It’s time to get National Zoo and Aquarium Month events on track with party train rentals. Why? Kids love locomotives just as much as they adore animals. Plus, trains have been used to transport animals for centuries. So, there is definitely a strong connection between the two venues and locomotives. In addition, there are many children’s apps, storybooks, films and television shows that feature zoo trains. As such, they can be factored into National Zoo and Aquarium Month events too.
Order your 100% electrical party train from the Mini Express now and we’ll have it to your Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino or Orange County location in time for any June 2015 event’s kickoff. Oh, and we’ll send a well-dressed conductor along as well. He or she will drive the zoo or aquarium party train, so you and your staff don’t have to bother with learning how to drive one. Just pick a flat surface somewhere on zoo or aquarium grounds where you want the party train to chug along and our Mini Express crew will do the rest.
Because our party train rentals don’t generate air pollution of any kind, we’d be happy to drive the kids past the caged animals, food stands and beverage stations. Our only requirement is that the route you pick for our party trains is clean, clear and level. We’ll work with you on any other issues, including choosing a rental time and soundtrack. In general, our trains are rented out an hour at a time and at least 6 weeks in advance. A modest, refundable security deposit is available up front and the first hour of party train rental service will typically cost your venue $275. To find out more about our rental agreements and get your June 2015 events on track, please contact The Mini Express staff online today.