Mini Express Blog

Holiday Trackless Train Rentals


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shop at dos lagos trackless train rental With Christmas festivities fast approaching you not only want to book trackless train rentals early but begin planning your classroom and family holiday parties as well. Having a train ride for the kids opens up many ideas for you. Due to the book and movie The Polar Express trains have become linked with Christmas. There is also the tradition of rural areas such as the Smoky Mountains playing host to “Santa Trains” that would deliver all the Christmas gifts ordered from magazines before the days of Fed Ex and the Internet. You can read the Polar Express book before or during the train ride and decorate with fake snow to create a North Pole Train Station to pick up the kids. You can also create a fun variation on a gift exchange or holiday party, having the train take the kids to different stations, one for a gift exchange, another for a snack and another to a craft station where they can play at being Santa’s elves. Simple cardboard archways or tents can be decorated for the stations and you can choose how many you wish to have, making the party as simple or ornate as you wish. Adults manning the stations can dress as elves or train station porters. Simple elf costumes are usually available at most stores and blazers and dress slacks create an official looking costume. Planning and booking ahead makes it easier to enjoy the holidays. The Mini Express services Los Angeles County, Orange County, Riverside County, and San Bernardino County, in the state of California. You can contact us online or by phone 714-404-1894 for more information.