The holidays are such a magical time of year and many people can make a few extra dollars for last minute shopping just by using their imagination! If you are like most, any extra cash helps lighten the load of holiday shopping. Of course, if you are a jolly soul that just wants to give back to your neighbors or community, then you may find this holiday idea right up your alley! Make Extra Cash To make a bit of extra cash, set up a holiday light display that neighbors and people in the community will want to see. Use your surrounding area to transform your business, farm, home, or other into a magical wonderland of lights and holiday displays and add a trackless train ride to be the talk of the town! Some great ideas to add to your wonderland might include: Hot Cocoa Stand – Selling hot chocolate to freezing families can add up fast! Cookies – If you have hot cocoa, you’ll certainly want to sell cookies too! Popcorn – Some people don’t like sweets so be sure to have some popcorn and water or coffee available too! Admission Fee – You may want to charge an admission fee for those wanting to walk the grounds or if you live down a road where people will need to drive to see your display, charge a few dollars for parking. Horse Drawn Buggy – Charging for a horse drawn buggy ride will certainly attract couples and can put some extra cash in your pocket. Think about placing the hot cocoa stand near the entrance to the buggy ride as many will like to sip on it while they ride. Santa and Mrs. Claus – Nothing reminds you of Christmas more than a train leading to Santa Claus, does it? Find train party rentals near you to add a bit of magic to your holiday light display! The train can take visitors on a journey around the displays and end where they can meet Santa and even sit on his lap to tell him what they want for Christmas! Light Display Tips Light displays don’t have to take a lot of time to set up if you know how to spread them out and add more walking or riding between each one. Many light displays are confined to one small area, but positioning them in a more spread out manner will be your best bet. For instance, one display could have a snowman theme where everything is centered around snowmen. Then, visitors can walk or ride a bit further to experience a Santa’s Toy Shop theme where lots of lighted gifts could be displayed. You can also have a snowflake display where you can use trees to make a magical twinkling tunnel of lights! Think about adding music to certain areas or have speakers set up around the displays so visitors can sing along as they experience a fun filled evening! If you need extra help, ask friends or family and give them a cut of the profits. Contact us to find out how we can help make your night a success!
Fun Kids Party Entertainment Ideas in Southern California That Even Adults will Love!
In recent years, entertaining kids has become more challenging due to increased screen time. In correlation, the need for kids