There are many types of amusements people can rent for children’s special events. Unfortunately, not all of them are safe or suitable for all ages. So why take chances with amusements that are questionable when there are 100% electric-powered trains for birthday parties available? They do more than take the guesswork and Band-Aids out of planning childhood celebrations.
They protect the planet too and what better birthday gift to give a child than that? Because trains for birthday parties don’t run on gasoline or diesel, there won’t be harmful emissions or oil leaks to contend with. All the kids will have is good, sparkling clean, non-threatening fun. And rental agreements are flexible enough where parents may choose the train rides’ duration.
An hour is a good place to start but it has been our experience that kids and adults alike won’t want to stop riding anytime soon. So, many parents choose to book trains for birthday parties in at least two or three-hour blocks. That gives everyone ample time to ride the trains perhaps twice or more, depending on two factors. They are the length of the ride and the number of kids.
For instance, let’s say 40 kids will be attending the birthday party with at least one responsible adult each. The train would have to go around at least three times in order to accommodate all of the parents and children. Thus, if the train rental was for only an hour, the maximum length of each go-round would have to be 20 minutes. Otherwise, the train wouldn’t have enough time to transport all of the birthday party’s attendees.
Thankfully, securing trains for birthday parties in San Bernardino, Orange, Los Angeles and Riverside Counties is possible in one-hour increments or more for large groups. To learn more about giving birthday guests train rides they’ll remember always, please contact us.